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How can you turn society’s throwaways into something beautiful and worthwhile?

With some leftover cans of paint and willing hearts.

Over the weekend we were fortunate to continue our Paint-It-Forward work at Bridge to Home by donating leftover paint and supplies so that teenage volunteers from A Light of Hope could paint custom sleep partitions for the homeless at the facility’s service center in Santa Clarita. The partitions will provide the homeless with a certain element of privacy and dignity.

A Light of Hope is an organization in Santa Clarita that strives to help youth who are struggling with addictions and other destructive behaviors through recovery programs focused on personal and spiritual development.

“I couldn’t be more proud of these young adults who have donated their time and talents to benefit our local homeless community.” — Josh Abramson, Chief Solutionist at ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING

About Paint-It-Forward

Josh Abramson started  Paint-It-Forward in 2005 as a way to give back to his local community. Since that time, Paint-It-Forward and similar paint charity programs adopted by other painting contractors have donated over $1,000,000 worth of free paint and materials to deserving families and nonprofits across the United States and Canada. What started as a humble community service program has truly grown into a movement!
