ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING Painting is proud to have been a sponsor of the recently concluded 2009 Concerts in the Parks Series. It was a joy to meet so many members of the community who visited our booth and enjoyed the free popcorn we gave out. It was a pleasure seeing our old clients and meeting so many prospective new clients. At the final concert on August 29th which featured Boogie Knights, ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING Painting raffled off a gift certificate for $500.00 in painting services by our company. Congratulations to our raffle winner, Kathy Scott of Santa Clarita! Thank you to all of you who donated to the Child & Family Center at our booth. Together we raised $230!
While we’re sorry to see this year’s concert series come to an end we look forward to partnering with the City of Santa Clarita in next year’ s Concerts in the Parks Series and enjoying the fun with all you.