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A Message To Our Customers About Covid-19

We wanted to address the issue head-on, taking every step to protect you, our Painting Happiness team, and our local community.

Here’s a closer look at our current policies and what we are doing to protect our employees and customers:

 – Don’t be offended, but we’re skipping handshakes out of respect for you

 – Mandatory sick days (with paid time off) for any employees who aren’t feeling well

 – We are educating our team in best health practices, personal protective equipment (see photo) including frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer.

We’re taking precautions, but we’re also staying positive and optimistic!

Get Your Virtual Painting Quote With ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING In Just 3 Minutes

We have a new online estimating tool so customers can price out an interior or exterior painting project from the comfort of their home or smartphone device.  This is perfect for people who want an idea of pricing on paint projects without scheduling an in-person visit with our sales team.

Click here to start your Instant Estimate In 3 Minutes. 

Our thoughts are with the community during this difficult time. While we are striving to minimize the financial impact to our team members and business as a whole, we are also committed to doing everything we can to protect public health and will update this page in the event of any significant changes. Our small business is reliant on a steady schedule of painting projects to stay viable, and we appreciate your support more than ever during these uncertain times.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter.
