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Here is another testimonial from a client who called me for an estimate to paint their new home. They had just purchased in the Old Orchard Village area of Santa Clarita, CA. Upon seeing the empty home and the work that he and his wife wanted to accomplish and knowing they were on a tight budget, I suggested they might want to consider our Painting Party option. We had developed this service for exactly their type of needs. Newly weds and new homeowners who want to paint their home on a budget yet get all the professional supervision, advice and tools to help them and their friends through the process. Paul and Jessica are on a tight budget. She is a school teacher and Paul is the worship leader at Crossroads Community Church. Paul wrote to me after his experience and said, “The painting party went amazingly well! We painted three full rooms, each with an accent wall, and one additional accent wall in one day with only three people. Hector, your supervisor was so helpful and courteous, and he is a whiz on the corners and lines. The setup/cleanup was pretty quick and easy, and the rooms look great now; so glad we did it.”

Learn more about our Painting Party services here.