We had a great time last weekend interacting with the community of Santa Clarita Valley. As you may know from an earlier post, we sponsored the City of Santa Clarita’s Festival Of The Arts.
We had set up two areas for the kids. One area was a place to try splatter art using the new Allbright Paint and colors. These kids did an amazing job of creating splatter art on canvas. It was a lot of fun. We now have two Jackson Pollock(ish) masterpieces hanging on our studio walls! Come by and see the artwork. By the way, our paint is scented and these paintings smell wonderful. They will keep our studio smelling good for months to come.
The second area we set up for the kids was called Creative Cubes. We handed out pastel/chalk to the first 200 kids to try their hand creating murals right on the street. Again, we were so impressed with the talent most of these kids displayed.