Come join us tonight at Central Park located in Saugus, CA as we give away FREE popcorn to all who attend. Tonight’s performers are Urban Dread – It’s reggae, mon! It’s our way of saying thank you to the Santa Clarita Valley for supporting us for over 22 years. Come by and say hi. We are also introducing our exclusive, revolutionary, eco-friendly, new paint. We make it fresh everyday. We’ll also be showing off our beautifully designed color palettes. Our colors have been so well received that we might be going nationwide with them through a new program that Costco is testing right now with our paint. So, come on by and see what all the buzz is about.
If you can’t make it tonight but would like to see us at one of the other upcoming Concerts in the Park (like “Don’t Stop Believing” – a Journey tribute band), check out the next few dates left.