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Did you know that ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING got it’s start in wallpaper removal and installation before painting? It’s true. We have installed some really beautiful wallpapers over the last 22 years. We have installed wallpaper in hotels, offices, homes, and even some private yachts. Some of the types of materials have been exotic, natural grasscloth, some hand-painted, and some made out of glass beads. Wallpaper has really changed over the years. I have really seen an increase in its popularity of late. Most of the designers we work with spec out a room or two for wallpaper installation. The materials these days aren’t little blue and white flowers or some small repeating pattern. Today you might not even realize that the walls you are admiring is a wallcovering. There are so many unique styles and materials being used these days that wallcovering should be a part of your next remodel. The attached picture is of a bathroom we installed for a well-known designer in the Wilshire Corridor of West LA.