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pregnant woman

As science and research progress, we are discovering more and more substances that can have a negative impact on babies, so many expecting mothers wonder, “Is it Safe to Paint When I’m Pregnant?” Even if a pregnant woman has someone else to do the actual painting for her, she still will often ask, “Is it OK to be exposed to paint fumes while pregnant? Could they hurt the baby?”

Like many questions, these ones have a simple answer, and a more involved answer.

Simple answer: Yes, you can paint (or be around painting) while pregnant.  But…

Involved answer: There are some guidelines you should follow in order to make this a healthy experience for everyone.

  • Avoid exposure to fumes from oil-based paints, stains and thinners. Use a latex/acrylic (water) based paint.
  • Do not sand or scrape any old paint that may contain lead.
  • Keep the painting area well-ventilated.
  • Have someone else do the painting for you, if possible (we would be happy to help!).
  • If you cannot open windows, or if you want to be extra careful, use a Low-VOC or No-VOC paint.

pregnant woman paintingNow the time for wondering is over, and the time for painting has come! Grab a brush and bucket, or contact ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING Painting. As an experienced painting contractor, we can finish the job with spectacular results in a very short time, minimizing your inconvenience and exposure to painting products.

ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING proudly serves Castaic, Newhall Ranch, Westridge, Topanga Canyon, Calabasas, Los-Feliz, Westlake, Pasadena and the whole Los Angeles region.
