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It’s that time of year again. Winter is almost over and it’s time to think about getting outside to clean up those outdoor patios and decks.

During the next couple of months we receive calls and questions concerning wood decks and patios. We’re frequently asked what’s the best kind of deck stain to use or what brand is the best. These are difficult questions to answer without knowing something about the condition or history of the surface.

But here are some important considerations for your wood deck:

1. Understand the Substrate- If it is wood, what species is it?

2. Select a waterborne stain that penetrates the wood.

3. Washing and cleaning the wood are acceptable, but sanding may be worth the time if it can be practically accomplished.

4. Use less stain material and apply by brush to allow the material to soak or work into the wood.

5. Maintenance pays off- How long the material last will depend on many factors, but it starts with just keeping the deck clean.

Here’s to enjoying your outdoor deck this spring!
