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Joshua Abramson has been invited to once again speak at national events this year by such great companies like Sherwin-Williams Paints, Dunn Edwards Paints and our trade association, the Painting & Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA).  He will be speaking to other residential and commercial painting contractors on important topics, such as estimating, marketing, and business planning.   Joshua Abramson says, “I’m very honored to be invited back to talk to and teach others in our industry.   I love being able to give back and share what I’ve learned over the past 25 years in business.   I’ve been blessed with learning from others before me that were willing to share their knowledge and I’m grateful to be able to do the same.”   Josh will be teaching and sharing the best business practices and systems that his painting company, ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING1-800-PAINTING in Los Angeles, CA, has been using for years.  “The end goal is to make the customer’s experience the best they have ever had when working with any contractor,” says Mr. Abramson.

The first speaking event of 2013 will be March 4th in St. Louis, Missouri for the PDCA’s national tradeshow.   This is our industry’s only national event this year, and painting contractors from around the world come to learn.

Other dates are:
Sherwin-Williams Paints Residential Repaint Contractor Seminars
March 14th & 15th in San Francisco
May 29th & 30th in Los Angeles

Dunn Edwards Paints Dunn Hub Training for Painting Contractors
April 18th in Pasadena
Sept 19th in Culver City
