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ALLBRiGHT Community Spotlight: The Youth Project

One of the best parts of running a successful business is being able to give back. We here at ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING have decided to create a monthly spotlight that helps to raise awareness for other local organizations that work to make a positive impact in our local community.  

For our first community spotlight, we’d like to recognize The Youth Project for their work with our community’s youth.

Being A Teen Can Be Tough

Navigating the teenage life is stressful and difficult on a good day. When a teenager also deals with depression, is faced with bullying, is struggling while his parents’ divorce, is experiencing sexual assault, and more, things can get dangerous.

Teenagers need strength, support, and skills that make a difference. They need empathy and compassion. Thanks to The Youth Project, a non-profit organization assisting teens with difficult issues, more than 25,000 students at 13 junior highs and high schools in the Santa Clarita Valley are receiving the support and help they need to navigate their teen years — successfully.

How They Help Teens

The Youth Project intervenes early, providing no-cost programming to reduce the negative impacts that high-risk behavior can have on academics and health.

With a variety of programs, students are able to access the help they need in the way that is most comfortable to them. The Youth Project maintains a strong presence on each of the 13 campuses and provides free weekly counseling at school, classroom presentations, crisis intervention, pizza parties on campus that bring people together, and more.

The focus of each program, and of the organization as a whole, is to always provide the non-judgmental support teenagers so desperately need.

Meet Kim Goldman

Kim Goldman, executive director of The Youth Project, has been running the non-profit since she inherited it in 2005 and loves its mission. “My favorite part is that we are making a difference,” she said. “The hope that our teens possess to be better and healthier is so incredible. They come every week, wanting a better life — no better determination for us to help make that happen!”

How They Help Families

The Youth Project doesn’t stop at the individual. Their counselors are also available to meet with entire families to work out problems, and they provide parenting education and support services to parents — from how to communicate with teens to how to handle drug and alcohol use.

Support Groups

No topic is off limits in The Youth Project, and several support groups are available for teens to access — from grief support to life skills to family issues.

And students take advantage of the help that’s offered. “We would love to eventually be out of business!” Goldman said. “But the need is so great, I don’t see that happening. I would like to see us on the elementary school campuses – and in other communities outside of Santa Clarita Valley.”

Local Businesses That Support The Youth Program

Until I Die clothing company, a brand dedicated to encouraging others to share what they’re passionate about, donates 5% of their profits to The Youth Project.

How You Can Help

If you’d like to help support The Youth Project, they accept donations by credit card or check. Learn more about both options here.

Get in touch with The Youth Project through or visit them on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.
