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Shh! ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING is about to let you in on 7 of their painting secrets. You might be thinking….”Why would ALLBRiGHT 1-800-PAINTING ever want to reveal their best painting secrets?” Well it’s simple actually, we want you to enjoy the painting experience to just as much as we do. Let’s get started!

1.    Use A Putty Knife To Secure Blue Tape 

When taping over woodwork always use Blue Painter’s Tape instead of regular masking tape. Blue Painter’s tape can be left on for days without worries of residue and will not let paint bleed through. After you have applied the blue painter’s tape, use a putty knife to secure the tape on the woodwork. A putty knife is a great and easy tool to use and can be purchased at your local home improvement store. Your days of scraping paint off your woodwork are over, leave the painting blues for the Blue Painter’s Tape!

2. Canvas Drop Cloths For Splatters And Spills

Many people use bed sheets for drop cloths, but we recommend using Butyl-backed canvas drop cloths for covering your flooring. Canvas drop cloths will contain spills and splatters and will protect your floor from wet paint. Thin bed sheets and even plastic will not provide enough protection for your flooring and you might even find wet paint not only seeping through to your floors but also on the bottom of your shoes. Nobody wants to ruin their floors or shoes with paint. That would not be ALLBRiGHT!

3.    Prime Before Paint

Applying primer will not only provide an excellent surface for the paint and promote adhesion but it will also help bring out the paint’s true color, making it ALLBRiGHT!

4. Tap And Paint

When dipping a brush into a paint container it is best to load the bottom 1 ½ inches of the brush with paint, then tap each side of the container to get rid of heavy drips. Makes sense right? Most homeowners actually drag the brush along the containers and accidentally wipe off most of the paint. You will be much more efficient if you just tap your brush as opposed to dragging the paint in your container.

5. A Damp Towel Keeps The Drying Out Away

To keep your paint and tools from drying out between switching brushing and rolling, cover your paint bucket with a damp towel when are not using them. What a clever way to save time and money!

6. Wash The Fuzz Off Rollers

Wash your rollers with water and liquid soap to get rid of any fuzz that could possibly show up on your wall when you start painting. How do you wash the roller? Simple, run your hands up and down to wash off any loose fibers. We know you can’t wait to begin painting, and the good news is you don’t have to! There is need to wait for the roller to dry, and you can start painting right away.

7. “Boxing” Your Paint

“Is it me or does this gray look “grayer” in this bucket of paint?” Well the good news is you don’t need to get your eyes checked, because the “same” color paint can vary between cans. An easy solution to ensure color consistency is to mix your cans in a 5-gallon bucket, this is called “boxing.” Once the paint has mixed together, you can pour it in a smaller can or tray to make it a bit easier for you.

Why would we tell you some of our painting secrets? Because we want you to know what Painting Happiness is too!
