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business of the month team shot

We couldn’t be more thrilled to have recently been selected by the office of Assembly Member Dante Acosta as the 38th Assembly District’s Small Business of the Month for April 2017. We were specifically recognized for the contributions that our company and founder Josh Abramson has made to the local community through our Paint-It-Forward movement which Josh started in 2005. The award specifially recognizes our company’s professionalism, enthusiam, and a passionate focus on improving our local community by making a difference in peoples lives, one brush stroke at a time.

business of the month award

“I am really grateful for this honor and so very proud of our team. I never really imagined receiving this type of recognition from our government officials so this is an unexpected gift. Paint-It-Forward has brought my team and I so much happiness and what’s funny is all we were trying to do was bring a little happiness to people in need in our community,” – Josh Abramson.
