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Tips for Proper Masonry Painting

You may see red brick and gray concrete all over the place and wonder if they have to be those colors, or if they could be customized. Luckily, they can! If you have brick, concrete, or another masonry surface in or around your home, don’t be afraid to spruce them up and give them your own personal touch with some painting.

We’re breaking down how masonry painting should be done to ensure a great look and long-lasting finish. Follow these tips to get the most out of your painting experience and the best results!


Every painting surface is different and requires preparation from the painter (you) to ensure proper adhesion, durability, and longevity. Whether outside or inside, your masonry needs to be cleaned in order to take paint well. You can use a power washer outdoors, or just regular cleaning tools with soap and water. Use a brush or steel wool to remove any stuck-on materials or previous layers of paint. You want a nice, clean surface to apply paint.

Speaking of paint, you want to prepare by choosing the correct paint for the job. Regular, interior paint that you’d put on drywall won’t do for masonries like brick or concrete. Look for masonry-specific paint that fits the material you have. Also, make sure you get exterior or interior grade paint — depending on where you’ll be painting. Don’t start off your project with the wrong paint!

Before applying paint, you may also want to apply a masonry sealer to keep moisture at bay. Some masonry already has a seal, so you should check with your provider to see if yours does.


Just like when you paint your walls, you need to prime your surface before you apply paint. Again, choosing the right primer is key to getting the best results. Look for primers meant for masonry applications and exterior vs. interior.

Use a roller and a brush to reach all areas that will receive paint. Use the same painting techniques you’ve learned to ensure an even coating, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions printed on the can to ensure you apply the primer correctly. Make sure the surface is completely dry before moving on to painting.


The key to proper painting is high-quality materials. Don’t skimp on the brush or roller, or you’ll be picking off fallen bristles for years to come. Fill your brush or roller completely with paint, and apply evenly to the masonry surface.

Apply multiple thin coats of paint to ensure the strongest finish. Allow to dry completely and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before recoating.

Note: Dry does not mean done! Just because your painted surface is dry and looks great, it doesn’t mean you should resume normal use. As with any finish, paint needs time to cure and fully adhere to the surface. The instructions on your paint can should tell you when the paint will be fully cured, but it’s usually at least 24 hours.


So now that you’ve got a great-looking brick wall or concrete structure, it’s time to take care of it! Luckily there’s not much you have to do, unless your masonry is constantly exposed to wear and tear, and especially if you used the right materials and followed the process.

If you get scuff or chip marks on your paint, wash with soap and water and a soft sponge. Keep any leftover paint on hand to touch up areas if needed.

Premier Painting Experts

Contact the ALLBRiGHT PAINTING team today at (661) 464-0771 for the absolute best in painting quality and service.
